About Us
Rubber flooring production and sales
Our company, C.S.O Kereskedelmi és Gumifeldolgozó Kft deals with the manufacture and production of recycled rubber tiles. We have more than 20 years experience in the industry, our rubber sheets are made in our plant in Ócsa, close to Budapest, in various shapes and fall protection capability. Its main areas of use as a shock absorbing floor covering lika: for playgrounds, sports grounds, Fitness and CrossFit rooms, swimming pools, ice skating tracks, horse stables, and other livestock and industrial use. We are selling the rubber floorings for retailers and wholesales.
Our rubber base material is 100% recycled rubber fabric, manufactured according to ISO 9001. Our products comply with the Hungarian and European standards (EN1177: 2008), and have the TÜV certifications.

Revenue in 2017 (Million)
Collaegues & Counting
Successfully Project
Year of experience